Islamic Congress Sinks into Anti-Semitic Hate Fest
Abraham H. Miller,

American Thinker, May 04, 2014

In some deep corner of hell, Hitler is smiling. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Muslims gathered in Paris, France, to attend the Union of Islamic Organization’s Thirty First Congress. It was advertised as a gathering about immi-gration, assimilation, and culture, but it soon descended into an anti-Semitic hate fest.

     When the “Jew” was cast into the conven-tion’s spotlight, the crowd was whipped into frenzy with as much emotion as Albert Speer could have ignited from his Nazi rallies orchestrated with cascading lights and burning torches. The atrocities in Syria, the bloodbaths in the streets of Cairo, the barbaric behavior of Boko Haram in Nigeria, and all the evil and wanton cruelty in the Islamic world that daily leap out at us from television, print, and the Internet, all of this was explained as being guided by an invisible hand, the Jew.

     Hatred is the great unifier of mass move-ments. Hitler dressed millions of compliant Germans in uniforms and marched them to their deaths to fight the international Jew. He convinced the Germans they were Aryan supermen.The ideal version of which was blond, tall, and slim. So, consider, here was Hitler with dark hair; Goering  who was morbidly obese; and Goebbels who was a dwarf, all  preaching the genetic virtue of the blond, slim, and tall Aryan superman. And the incongruity escaped mass detection because hatred is also the enemy of rational thought.

     In Paris, Hani Ramadan (brother of Tariq) took his place in the pantheon of Jew haters while spewing the irrational to an overly en-thusiastic audience, who suspended disbelief. Does any rational human being believe that all the evil in the world, all the violence and barbarism in the imploding Islamic world, and all the backwardness of Islam is due to the all powerful Jew, who is clinging to a sliver of land the size of New Jersey in a region that is one huge cesspool, whose peoples, like those meeting in Paris, are seeking eagerly to return to the seventh century?...

Speech for Israel's 66th Birthday, May 5, 2014

On this day, we celebrate the miracle that is Israel, which exists and flourishes against all odds. We celebrate Israel's democracy, in which all citizens enjoy full civil rights regardless of their faith or ethnicity.  Arab citizens of Israel serve as members of Israel's Parliament, judges on Israel's courts (including the Supreme Court), diplomats in Israel's Foreign Service and officers in Israel's armed forces.

     We celebrate that all of Israel's citizens enjoy full freedom of religion. The freest Christians and Muslims in the Middle East are the Christian and Muslim citizens of the Jewish state of Israel. 

     While Christians throughout the Arab world are being bombed, shot and decapitated, the Christian population of Israel can worship in complete safety. While Christian populations throughout the Arab world are plummeting, the Christian population of Israel is steadily growing.

     We celebrate that Israel is on the forefront of developing technology that improves our lives and our world. It is simply incredible that in 66 short years Israelis have won 12 Noble Prizes (mostly in recent years - Editor).

     We celebrate that Israel is living Isaiah 49:6 by being a "light unto the nations" as a first responder to natural catastrophes and human suffering around the world.

     As we celebrate Israel, let us pray that she will continue to survive and thrive.  And let us dedicate ourselves to action in support of our prayers.       Source: Christians United For Israel

 PO Box 1307, San Antonio TX 78295

Palestinian Girl Confronts Anti-Israel Lies

Editor's Note:  It is interesting (and disturbing) to note that Israel is surrounded by dozens of despotic regimes that care nothing about human rights. Israel remains the only nation in the Middle East that is a democracy in which human rights are honored and protected. Yet Israel is continuously and falsely singled out for supposed human rights violations. The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement targets only Israel, and none of the many dozens of regimes around the world that are truly despotic. This is anti-Semitism, cloaked in the term "Anti-Zionism."

     Yet despite this injustice (which Jews have been suffering from for thousands of years), Israel continues to bless the rest of the world. Whenever there is a major earthquake or other disaster, Israel is normally the first nation to have mobile hospitals on the ground to help the injured and crews to locate those in need of help. We all benefit from the tremendous advances in science, technology, agriculture, and medicine that the Jewish people continue to supply the world. It makes me wonder what kinds of advances we might have if the Six Million who died in the Holocaust had lived to procreate many more gifted people.

Christy Anastas, a young Palestinian Chris-tian woman from Beth-lehem, has bravely re-leased a compilation video in which she, in several different ven-ues, confronts the joint lies that Israel is re-sponsible for the suf-fering of the Pales-tinians and for the flight of fellow Christians from the city of Jesus’ birth.

     The Anastas family is no stranger to the media. When Israel decided to erect the “West Bank” security barrier in response to incessant Palestinian suicide bomb attacks, the Anastas house near the outskirts of Bethlehem was unique in that it was surrounded by concrete walls on three sides, inviting constant media coverage.

April 28, 2014

     But in an address to students at Uppsala University this year, Christy was firm in her position that the inconveniences and suffering inflicted on her family and so many others can not ultimately be blamed on Israel.

     The Christian population of Bethlehem actually grew during the years it was under “Israeli occupation,” she reminded her audience, putting to rest the falsehood that Israel is engaged in some kind of ethnic cleansing, especially against Christians.

     The real culprits were her own people. Anastas described how when the Second Intifada broke out in 2000, she had a front row seat, as her family’s home is located very near to Rachel’s Tomb.

     According to Anastas, the Palestinians began attacking the Jewish holy site “day and night,” purposely endangering the lives of Palestinian civilians in the area. But more to blame than those brainwashing the “freedom fighters” was the Palestinian Authority itself, which Anastas reminded had committed itself to maintaining public order and instilling the principles of peace. Instead, she noted, the Palestinian regime actively encouraged young Arabs to take to the streets in violence.

     In the midst of this, Anastas said that local Christians in Bethlehem quickly began to realize that the Muslim militias were deliberately launching their attacks against Israel from in the vicinity of Christian houses, so that the Israeli response would damage or destroy those homes. This tactic paid dividends in the public relations campaign, as Christians began fleeing for fear of Israeli counter-attacks.

     To further bolster the notion that the Palestinians are their own worst enemy, Anastas recounted that during this time, her uncle decided to stop paying the jizya, the tax non-Muslims must pay for the right to live in a Muslim-dominated society (YES, this still exists in “Palestine”). In response, Palestinian militiamen imprisoned, tortured and eventually executed her uncle.

     Anastas said that stories like this, which are by no means uncommon, are never told to the international media for fear of retaliation.

     During an earlier Q&A session at Oxford (also included in the following video), chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat was confronted by Anastas, who asked him whether or not he was able to negotiate impartially with the Israelis, despite all the pain inflicted in the course of the conflict.

     Erekat was adamant that his pain and frustration only made it more certain that an agreement resulting in a free, open and accountable Palestinian state would be achieved.

     Anastas later wondered if the freedom of speech and other liberties Erekat spoke of would be extended to her own family, now that she has publicly supported Israel’s biblical claims to the land. For it certainly hadn’t been before, for instance when her uncle stopped paying the jizya.

     “I’d like to ask you, Dr. Saeb, I believe that you are a man of honor, and I believe that you will keep your word and protect my family members,” Anastas said in the opening of her new video compilation.


Israel Today is a full-color monthly published in Israel. Subscriptions are available for $49. Israel Today, PO Box 7555, Jerusalem 91074, ISRAEL


A Jewish Ex-Con Recalls Keeping Kosher with the Faithful in Prison

As of 2014, 1,500 of New York’s 56,000 prisoners are Jews that keep kosher... I am a real Jew, albeit a bad Soviet one, and know something about the community of Jews in prison.

     Prison is much more receptive to skinheads and the Nation of Islam, than it is to Jews; and the cops I encountered weren’t too fond of us either. I had to decide very quickly, upon arrival, whether I would practice or not. But my Bar Mitzvah rabbi survived the camps, camps he could have probably avoided because of his Aryan looks. How could I forget his dictate to always be proud to be a Jew, even in circumstances when it might not seem to ones advantage? Perhaps the prisons of New York State were not quite what he meant, but in the end practicing my faith and never denying it only sharpened my will and sense of self. And the community inside, which clings to its rituals and traditions, is strong and cohesive enough that it draws curious new converts. Only in America do prisoners convert to Judaism. Poor old Yakov Smirnov would have said, ‘Vat a country!’

     I encountered other Jews in each of the twelve prisons I visited, but usually only one or two. The only joint that had enough Jews for a minyan, the quorum of ten Jewish men needed to fulfill certain religious obligations, was Greenhaven Correctional Facility, a maximum-security big house with a unique hot kosher program.

     Because of its kosher kitchen, Greenhaven housed Israelis and Lubavitchers and Bobovers and Sephardim and Falasha and Satmars and just bad High Holiday Jews, like myself, from the Lower East Side and Brooklyn. All of us were packed together into a fifty-man dining hall. When I was first introduced to this scene, I was horribly curious about what each of them did to get there, and that is a question that is difficult to ask inside. With time, I knew all the stories.

     Around half of my fellow Jews inside had no criminal backgrounds, but awful tempers. This meant that they killed their wives. You get 25 to Life for that. One especially frantic Hasid had wrenched his wife to death in front of all nine of his children. His 25 years was up, but the kids kept coming to the parole boards to argue against his release. Meanwhile Chabad, the ultra-religious Jewish organization, sent emissaries to argue the opposite.

     The Israelis were drug dealers, all casualties of the popularity of ecstasy in the 1990’s. They smuggled it in from Europe in sculpted toads and diamond cases and even in the beards of Lubavitchers who couldn’t resist the money. A movie was made about these guys eventually, ‘Holy Rollers’, but in real life they were rather hapless, insecure Sabras who dreamed of blondes and Miami. One of them, a nice fellow name Yaakov, knew my taste for gefilte fish and used to sneak me entire logs of the stuff that Catskill hotels had donated for our celebrations.

     Jewish holidays are taken seriously in prison. Of course it is a result of lawsuits and not the respectful nature of the Department of Corrections, but we had Seders and a Sukkah tent and Chanukah candles. Each facility has a Rabbi, though some of the smaller ones have traveling Rabbis that go from joint to joint. I clerked for many of them, including a female Rabbi working for the state. They are limited in what they can do, but financially the Jewish congregations are well taken care of by outside organizations.

     Our holidays consisted of services and feasts. The Lubavitchers all knew the Hebrew prayers, siddurs were available, and services were long and serious. We fasted for Yom Kippur, read from the Megillah for Purim, and said bruchas over every meal. Behind bars Judaism is practiced intensely, more so than the version you’d find in many modern synagogues on the outside.

     Some of the length and intensity of the services was a ploy to keep out the religious tourists. Some cons are promiscuous about their religious affiliation, identifying with whichever G-d promised the most snacks and ceremonies based on that week’s holiday schedule. Rabbis can tell when someone changes their religion to Jewish for the perks. They can’t stop them, but they would write ‘self-declared’ in Yiddish on the paperwork for the next Rabbi to see.

     Orthodox Conversion in prison is impossible, because there is no troika of Rabbis to oversee it and no ritual mikvah bath to anoint the convert. Even the gentiles who sincerely try to practice the faith are considered ‘self declared’ in their paperwork. And yet a surprising amount of guys do turn to Judaism. The rapper Shyne was born Jewish but became very religious after a shooting involving P-Diddy landed him a ten year sentence. He clerked for the same Rabbi I did, only in the neighboring prison. Of course there aren’t many Jewish converts compared to the success of missionary efforts by evangelical churches and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. But there are enough African-American and Latino ‘converts’ trying to live as Jews in prison that Reaching Out, the Lubavitcher run prison newsletter, has a special guidebook for them on Noachide Law, the moral code demanded of righteous gentiles.

     Our Kiddush prayers were done with gefilte fish and grape juice. The New York Board of Rabbis would send in cases of macaroons for the congregation at every Passover. The Jews were the only faith group that got such extensive pampering, but that is because there are so few real Jews in prison so it’s easier to provide for them. And according to Torah law, every Jewish soul is sacred. They may have been chosen to serve some time, but they are still Chosen.

Yeshua Transforms Orthodox Girl Into Zionist

David Lazarus, May 2014


Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) had no problem turning water into wine, but turning a Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jew into a staunch Zionist is quite another story. For many streams of Haredi Judaism, Zionism is a dirty word, and last week's Yom Ha'Atzmaut (Independence Day) was just another bad day. But such was no longer the case for Chava (not her real name), a 23-year-old Haradi Jewess who recently accepted Yeshua as Messiah.

     "This was my first Yom Ha'Atzmaut," says Chava. "In our family, we were forbidden to even mention it. We were told by our parents to close the shutters so that we could not see what the abominable Goyim (derogatory word for Gentiles) were doing in the streets. We call it 'Tzibele' (onion) day in Yiddish." For many Haredi Jews, Yom Ha'Azmaut is foul, dirty and pagan. "We hated Israel," Chava admits. "Our parents did not want us to be Israeli at all. My father wanted to take us all to America."

     Now a believer in Yeshua, all of that changed for Chava forever. "When I heard the siren sound in memorial for the fallen soldiers who had given their lives for this nation, I stood up, and my heart stood still," she said. "I understood for the first time how much the people of Israel, my people, had sacrificed to bring us back to this land and make a nation and a home for us, the Jewish people."

     Chava feels embarrassed that her whole life she never honored the brave men and women who had given their lives to secure a homeland for the Jewish people. She admits that she even despised and hated them. "I give thanks to Yeshua who opened my eyes. He has given me a right spirit and a whole new understanding," she says.

     In Israel, Memorial Day flows directly into the Yom Ha'Azamut celebrations. Independence can only be celebrated while remembering those who have gave their lives to make it happen, while the joy of nationhood can sweeten some of the painful memories of those who have fallen.

     "I understand now how important it is to show respect and honor for the people of this land who have sacrificed so much for me, for my family and for Jewish people around the world," says Chava about her first Memorial Day and Yom Ha'Atzmaut. "I feel proud to be an Israeli now," she says. "I am glad that I can live here and be a part of our people. God loves our people, all of our people, secular, religious, Arab and Jew. He loves us all," she smiles.


Report Faults Obama for Ignoring Persecution of Christians
William Bigelow, May 2014

A new report from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan group, asserts that the Obama administration is turning a blind eye to persecution of Christians by Muslims in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and North Korea.

  Dwight Bashir, the commission's deputy director of policy and research, told

     While the Obama administration should con-tinue to shine a spotlight on abuses through public statements, it also should impose targeted sanctions to demonstrate that there are conse-quences, too. By not utilizing an existing legis-lative tool, the United States risks sending the message that it prefers a nuclear deal to standing up for the rights of the Iranian people. The worst 16 countries that violated religious freedom were listed in the report. Iran, the report stated, had gotten even less tolerant after "purportedly moderate President Hassan Rouhani" ascended to the presidency last year. Of Iran, the report added, “As of February 2014, at least 40 Christians were either in prison, detained or awaiting trial because of their religious beliefs and activities.”...

Growing Intimidation on Campus
Tammi Rossman-Benjamin and, May 2014

...Over the last several years, Jewish students on campuses across the country have been physi-cally, emotionally, and intellectually harassed, in-timidated, threatened and bullied – by their fellow students and by some of their professors.

• Anti-Israel student activists at the University of Michigan last month hurled death threats at Jewish student council members and called them “dirty Jew” and “kike.”

• At University of California, Berkeley, a Jewish girl holding an “Israel Wants Peace” sign was ramrodded with a shopping cart by the head of Students for Justice in Palestine.

• At Harvard University, the Palestine Security Committee frightened Jewish students by placing mock eviction notices on their dormitory rooms.

• At Northeastern University in Boston, Students for Justice in Palestine vandalized a menorah and disrupted Jewish events.

• At San Francisco State University this past fall, the General Union of Palestine Students hosted an all-day event where participants could make posters and t-shirts that said, “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers,” meaning Jews.

• And just last week (May 2014), at New York University, pro-Palestinian students slipped “evic-tion notices” under the doors of 2,000 under-grads, scaring Jewish students and parents....