Behind the Veil of Islam


According to the Koran, Allah orders Muslims to terrorize non-Muslims on his behalf: "I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, smite them above their necks, and smite all their finger-tips off them. It is not you who smote them; it was God" (Sura 8:13-17). "Strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of God and your enemies" (Sura 8:60).

A Muslim is not to be sentenced to death for taking the life of a Christian or Jew. "Nothing in the law of Mohammed states that the blood of the unbeliever is equal to the blood of the Muslim because faith is necessary for equalityÖ But a free Muslim must be killed for taking the life of a free Muslim" Ibn Timiyya Vol. 14, p. 85).

Hell & Paradise in Islam

Hell is a place of fire and torment. There are seven layers of Hell. More interesting is the Koran's description of Paradise. Paradise has houris, who are assigned to fulfill men's sexual pleasures. The houris are always virgins, and their relations with men do not affect their virginity. Imams (high-ranking Islamic clerics) promise suicide bombers who murder Jews that they will have 70 virgins when they enter Paradise, a great incentive for terrorism. The houris never age beyond 33 years. Old women die and are re-created as virgins for the enjoyment of men.

Temporary Contractual Marriage

Islamic commentaries called "Hadiths" describe a "marriage of pleasure." The marriage is temporary, normally to a prostitute. The marriage might last only an hour, but it legitimizes the sexual relationship because the consenting adults were "married" for an hour.

Islamic society demands high sexual moral standards for their women, however. Female circumcision (surgical removal of the clitoris) is often performed before puberty to ensure sexual purity.

Source: "A Look Behind the Veil," by Dr. Saleem Almahdy, in Voice of the Martyrs, POB 443, Bartlesville OK 74005.