What is Messianic Judaism?
Introduction to the Publisher
Rev. Twistruth
Messianic Directory
Chronological Article Guide
The Bible
613 Mitzvot
Abraham: A Man of Hospitality
Abram: The Soul Winner
A Bridge for Isaac
Acts Chapter 9 The "Conversion" of Sha'ul
Acts Chapter 10 Pigs in a Blanket
A Judgment in Jerusalem
An Eye For An Eye
Angel of the Lord
Apparent Contradictions in the Newer Testament
A Pre-Adamic World
Aramaic English New Testament
Are you following the real Jesus?
Avram & Sarai: the First Olim
Balaam: The Prophet Greedy for Profit
Before the Flood... And the Nephilim
Behold, the Virgin
Bereisheet "In the Beginning"
Be Ye Ready
Caleb the Goy
Can these bones live?
Commonwealth or Citizenship of Israel
Did Yeshua Teach Cannibalism?
Disciples and Demons
For God so Loved the World ~ That He Had a Warm Fuzzy Feeling
HaSatan - The Adversary
Healthy Torah Living
Hebrew Matthew
How to Tell the Real Jesus from the False Jesus
Jacob's Wives, Sons, & Daughters
Jewish Commentators on the Torah
Joseph and Yeshua
Kosher Pig?
Language & Linguistics
LEAVEN in the Bible
Levels of Inspiration
Mathew's Gospel
Memra The Word Logos
Message to the Congregation in Laodicea
Message to the Congregation in Philadelphia
Messiah's Prayer
Obadiah the Proselyte
Properly Understanding Paul
Rav Shaul, St. Paul, or Someone in Between
Reading Through the Torah
Rebuilding the Temple
Restoring First Century Faith
Revisions of the King James Bible
Ruth: A Jew by Choice
Sarah: A Princess Among Women
Sheep & Goats
Tefillin Storing Up the Word
The Beginning of Yeshua's Public Ministry
The Bowls of Wrath
The Council at Jerusalem
The Creation of Man (and Woman!)
The Death and Burial of Sarah
The Diety of Messiah in the Tenach and in Other Jewish Writings
The Faith of Abraham
The First Passover
The Fringe of His Cloak
The Gap Theory
The Gap Theory and Thomas Chalmers
The Ghost of Marcion
The Glory Comes When the Job is Done
The Great Commission
The Jerusalem Council
The Lives of Sarah
The Messiah is Pro-Torah
The Messianic Era: The 7th Millennium
The Most Famous Jew of All
The Nazarenes
The Resurrection of Yeshua
The Resurrection of Yeshua Part 2
The New Covenant: Blueprint for a Messianic Lifestyle
The Seventh Shofar and the 'Rapture' of the Saints
The Shofar
The Synagogue of Satan
The Temple Tax and Yeshua's Teenage Disciples
The Then "Lost" Tribes
The Unlikely Evangelist
Walk by the Spirit
Was Caleb a goy?
What is the Gospel?
"What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?"
What was Nailed to the Cross?
What was the sin of Ham??
What Were the Original Languages of the New Testament Scriptures?
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand?
Words of God vs. Words of Men
The Feasts and Holy Days
Counting the Omer
Do This In Remembrance of Me
Exodus (Sh'mot) Chapter 12 Instructions for Passover
Hanukah The Feast of Re-Dedicating the Temple
How to Make Matzah
Jewish Calendar Rules
Passover: Traditional & Messianic
Purim Thoughts
Rosh Chodesh
Rosh Hashannah
Sabbath Roots: The African Connection
Sefer Chaim The Book of Life
Shavuot The Birthday of Messianic Judaism
Shavuot: The Gifts of Torah & the Ruakh
Some Jewish Calendar Rules
Sukkot: The Feast of Tabernacles
The Divine Appointments
The First Feast of Israel
The Masks of Purim
Tisha B' Ave: The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly
Yom Kippur: At-One-Ment With God
Yom T'ruah
History and Science
Abraham Lincoln and the Jews
A Few Thoughts on Independence Day
And the Lord said unto Gustav
Anti-Judism and the Council of Nicea
Anti-Judaism and the Origin of the Sunday Sabbath
Anti-Semitism in the Name of Jesus
A Priest's Crusade on the Holocaust
Chiune Sugihara Japanese Hero
Christian Zionists Past & Present
Does Christmas Really Honor Christ?
Early Earth Enigmas Part 1
Early Earth Enigmas Part 2
Female War Criminals
Haym Salomon: An American Patriot
Haym Salomon How a Jewish Man Saved America and the 4th of July
How the FBI foiled a Jewish plot to kill Hitler
In the Shadow of Auschwitz
Is the Cross a Kosher Symbol?
Jonathan Pollard: Hero or Traitor?
LBJ and Israel
Moshe's Health Regulations
Neutron Bomb Inventor Dies
One Destiny by Sholem Asch
Origin of Easter
Persecutions Against Jews During the Black Plague
Rabbi Daniel Zion
Remembering Jackie Robinson's Fight Against Anti-Semitism
Remembering Six Days in 1967
The "Commonwealth" of Israel
The Creations of Adonai
The Forgotten History of Messianic Judaism
The Ghost of Marcion
The Longest Put-Down
The Original 9/11 Tisha B'Av
The Rabbi Saves His People
The Ritchie Boys
The Scientific Mafia and Immanuel Velikovsky
The Times of the Gentiles Comes to an End
Uncle Sam Still Wanted Her
US Army Rabbi at Buchenwald cried to the Jews, "You are free!"
Waiting for the Train
Israel and the World
A Concert of Fellowship in Bogota Colombia
A Japanese View of Palestinians
A Night to Honor Israel
An Israeli Soldier to American Jews: Wake Up!
Anti-Semitism and Islam
A Palestinian State = The End of Israel
An Officer and a Muslim Zionist
Apartheid in the Arab World
Arab Refugees The Real Story
A Voice Calls From the Wilderness
A Warning to the West from Geert Wilders
Behind The Veil of Islam
Beware of Dr. Jihad
Brief Facts on the Israeli Conflict Today
Christian Arabs - Ancient Community’s Modern Day Exodus
Christians and Jews are Again in the Muslim Line of Fire
Demographics Working in Israel's Favor
Don't Blame Israel for Arab Woes
European Life Died in Auschwitz
Europe's Chastisement
Europe Thy Name is Cowardice
Fake News
Fanatic Islam Unmasked
From the Heart of a Muslim
German Nun Prays as Persecution of Jews Continues
Gog & Magog: End-Time Battles Over Israel
How the British Fought Terror
Is Europe Dying?
Is Israel Covering Up a Major Biblical Archeology Find?
Islam a Culture of Violence
Islam and Slavery
Islamic Outrage
Islamic Rages Aimed at Enslaving the West
Islam vs. the Jews and Christians
Israel and the United States: Is Israel a Burden or an Asset?
Israel: Focus of End Time Bible Prophecy
Israelis Turn Holy Land Into Economic Miracle
Israel Lives!
Israel's Twenty+ Year Nightmare
It's Not Isis, It's Islam
Japanese Christians See Jews as Chosen People
Jihad 101
Jihadi Nitwits
Kasim Hafeez: A Miraculous Transformation
Like Father, Like Son
Lost Jewish Tribe in Zimbabwe
Mass Muslim Marriages to Girls Under 10
Messianic Judaism in Japan
Moslem Professor: Quaran Agrees That the Holy Land is Jewish
Muslim Genocide Against Christians
Muslim Leader Calls for Jews to Rebuild Temple
Muslims Sexually Enslaving Children: A Global Problem
My Problem with Dogmatic Evolutionists
Mysterious Events in Israel
Nobel Peace Prize Winners
Obama Rebuilds Mosques While Churches Burn
Palestinian People Do Not Exist
Palestinian State in Jordan 'Inevitable'
Persecuted Christians Suffer Worst Year Yet, Mostly Under Islam
Pro-Israel Evangelism
Prophetic Perspectives: Another Look at Islam
Religion of Perpetual Outrage
Sharia Law
Supernatural Victories Over the Enemies of Israel
The Chains of Islam
The Cure For a Sick Environment
The Eternal Capital of the Jews: A Moslem Viewpoint
The Islam Tax
The Myth of Palestine
The 'Sex Jihad'
The Truth About Palestinian Refugees
Nazis in Israel
The Psychoanalytic Roots of Islamic Terrorism
Warning to America
What Does the Koran Say?
What Happens When Famous Novelists 'Confront the Occupation' in the West Bank?
What is Hijarah?
Who Hijacked the Democratic Party
Why Christian Zionists Really Support Israel
World Jewish Populations
WTC Terrorists Linked to Fatah, Hizbullah
News Items and Mail
News Items: July 2020
100 Scientists Decry Evolution Series
A Black Jew Finds His Messiah
Achdut: The Call to Unity
Appreciation for Evangelicals
At-One-Ment With God
A Wonderful Message by George Carlin
Babylon the Great Revealed
Baseball University
Bewhiskered Believer Bewildered by Beard Hating Brethren
Black Jews of Harlem
Brit Milah - Covenant of Circumcision
Brit Milah: Sealed With a Bris
Can you be Jewish and believe that God became flesh?
Children's Letters
Demas Has Forsaken Me
Devarim - Words
Did Jew Know?
Erusin & Nisu'in (Betrotha & Marriage)
Evidence That Our Savior's Name is "Yahshua"
Evolution Did It!
Factory Farms
Fathers Matter
Findings & Conclusions
Former Anti-Semite Becomes Religious Jew
From His Tail to His Snout
Funny You Should Ask
God is Pro-Choice
HaRuakh HaKodesh ("The Holy Spirit")
Healing: Faith or Medicine?
How to Raise a Messianic Cat
"Husbands, love your wives."
Is it Possible for Pagan Holidays and Traditions to be Sanctified?
Is Kabbala kosher?
Jewish Life in Singapore
Kabbalah's Best Secret
Lashon Hara: The Evil Tongue
Mel Brooks on being a Jew
Messianic Judaism A Message for Jews and Gentiles
Messianic Judaism A Way of Life
Messianic Judaism for Dummies
Messianic Judaism: What is it?
Mixture Religion
Moshe's Health Regulations
Music - A Gateway to the Soul
Neighborhood Bully
Nobel Prize Winners
Principles of Faith
Question Box: First Fruits of Zion (FFOZ)
Questions About Proselytes
Quotes About Jesus from Famous Jewish Men
Respecting Roman Catholics, Protesting Roman Catholicism
So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt
The Debate The Rabbi and the Messianic Jew
The Deceit of Lashon Hara
The Final Fixing of the Foolish Fugitive
The Forgotten History of Messianic Judaism
The Fulfillment of the Law
The "Get" ("Certificate of Divorce")
The Journey
The Messiah's Hebrew Name: Yeshua or Yahshua?
The Myth of Petroleum as a "Fossile Fuel"
The New Covenant: What is it?
The Sender of Strong Delusion
The Shofar
The Spirit and Letter of the Law
The Stranger
The Theory of Evolution & Anti-Semitism
The Traditional Tsitsit
The Valley of Achor and Petah Tikvah
Torah, The Heart, & Deception
A Tree, A Giraffe, & the Tongue
What Cohabitation Does for Marriage
What happens to a person after he dies?
Who is a Jew... And who isn't?
WWJD? What Would Jesus Do?
Yoseph Robinson's Life
ArtÃculos en Español
Agradando a Dios
El dÃa del Señor
¿El Nombre del MesÃas en Hebreo: Yeshúa o Yahshua?
¿El Nuevo Pacto Ha Abolido al âœPacto Viejo?
¿Empezó la Iglesia en Pentecostés
Islam vs. Cristianos
ISRAEL: Un Ejemplo para las Naciones
La Deidad del MesÃas Dentro del Tanaj y Otras Escrituras JudÃas
La Fe de Abraham
La Fe Mesiánica: Raíces Hebreas del Camino
Lashon Jara
La Tora de Yeshua
Los Nazarenos
Los Judios No Le Quitaron Tierra A Nadie
PASCUA: Tradicional & Mesiánica
¿Qué Debe Preceder el Regreso de Yeshúa?
Rav Shául Ante Festo
Testimonio del Rab. Ntanel Ben Isajár / AnÃbal Gomescásseres O.
Tora, El Corazon, & Engano
Un Juicio en JERUSALÉN
Un Judio Negro Encuentra su Mesias
Walk in the Spirit
Artiklid eesti keeles
Jalitades Onne
Kas Euroopa on suremas?
Kas Obama hoolib usuvabadusest?
Maailma vanim mees elab Iisraelis
Moslemist sõdurist ortodokseks rabiks
Rabi Daniel Zion
Shabbati pidamise võrratu vägi!
S täht YeShuas
Artikelen in het Nederlands
Israël, gefeliciteerd met je 60e verjaardag!
Josefs graftombe en Poeriem
Korach: afschrikwekkend voorbeeld
Nablus stad met een rijk verleden
Nieuw licht op Wekenfeest
Pasen of Pesach
Redding voor heel Israël
Sukkot: het Loofhuttenfeest
Tisja B’Aw, verwoesting ter opbouw
Toe Bisjwat, nieuwjaarsfeest van bomen die vruchten voortbrengen
Yom Kippur
Yom Teruah
Artykuły w języku polskim
Artigos em Português
Foi todo Israel que rejeitou a Yeshua (Jesus)?
Judaísmo Messiânico, O que é?
O Início do Ministério Público de Yeshua
Os Sentimentos Que Caracterizam um Anti-semita
Quem é Judeu. . . e Quem não é?
Tevilah ("Batismo") -Um Mandamento
Um Judeu Negro Encontra o Seu Messias
O Judaismo do Rav Shaul (Apostolo Paulo)
Artikel dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Kebetulan atau Koneksi yang Menyeramkan
Kisah Para Rasul
Kitab Ibrani
Nama Ibrani Mesias! Yeshua atan Yashua!
Sarjana Yahudi Ortodoks Menerima Kebangkitan YAHUSHA
Sejarah Gereja yang Tidak Diajarkan Kepada Anda
Undi dibuang di pangkuan, tetapi setiap keputusannya berasal dari pada YAHUWAH
Yom Teruah & The "Rapture"