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"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of G-d, and the faith of Y'shua." Revelation 14:12 |
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WELCOME TO THE PETAH TIKVAH WEBSITE! We trust that you will find much of interest on this website. We would like to tell you a little about us and what we stand for. We are extremely grateful to Josiah Lebowitz for taking on the responsibility of being the "webmaster" for Petah Tikvah. The Petah Tikvah web site is a ministry of Petah Tikvah Fellowship, a Messianic Jewish congregation located in Rochester NY. We believe in Yeshua the Messiah, otherwise known to many as "Jesus Christ." As a Messianic Jewish assembly, we happen to prefer calling him by the name he used when he walked this planet 2000 years ago. Yeshua is a Hebrew word meaning "salvation." The term Jesus comes to us from the Greek Ia-Sus, which eventually was transliterated into "Jesus." Yeshua is our Messiah, as well as our Lord and Savior. He came the first time as the Lamb of God to provide an atonement for our sins. He will return a second time as the "Lion of Judah," to reign and rule the world from Jerusalem, according to Isaiah 2:2-4. Petah Tikvah is a Messianic Jewish ministry. The first believers in Yeshua the Messiah were all observant Jews. For the early decades, the only Bible they had was the Tanakh ("Old Testament"). They also had the teachings of Yeshua, which were passed on orally to his talmidim (disciples). Yeshua taught them, "Think not that I have come to destroy the Torah (Law), or the prophets: I have not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 5:17-19) Yeshua never taught his disciples that the Law was ever "done away with." Yeshua continued as a Torah-observant Rabbi. We seek to imitate our Master in this area, although we may fall woefully short. We don't observe the mitzvot (commandments) to "get saved." We observe the mitzvot as an expression of our love, as the lifestyle of a redeemed people. We believe in living a New Covenant lifestyle, as spoken by the prophet Jeremiah (31:31-33) and the writer of the Book of Hebrews (chapter 8:8-10): "Behold, the days come," saith YHWH, "that I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant they broke, although I was an husband unto them," saith YHWH. "But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel: After those days," saith YHWH, "I will put my Torah (Law or "Teaching") in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people." You will discover many articles in this website reflecting the above basic philosophies. We are also Zionists, and strongly identify with Israel and its struggles. Therefore, you will also discover regular news updates with news about events relating to Israel. We also carry news updates regarding the Jewish community around the world. We are commanded in Scripture: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee." We also publish a Messianic Jewish quarterly magazine called Petah Tikvah Magazine. You can obtain a free sample copy by writing to: PETAH TIKVAH Petah Tikvah Magazine is a 64-page magazine. You will discover many articles reflecting the above philosophies, as well as news from a biblical perspective, and a healthy dose of humor. You can also email us: Rchaimberlin@juno.com Let us know your full physical address in order to get your issue of Petah Tikvah. SHALOM U'VRACHA (Peace and Blessing) to you all! Richard & Miriam Chaimberlin |
Jewish Calendars The new 5785 Petah Tikvah calendars cover the 13-month period from Sept 2024 to Sept 2025. Cost for 5785 calendars is $6 each, no extra cost for postage. Cost for our Canadian friends is $7 each. The cost for our friends overseas is US $10 total because of the high cost of postage. We want to ensure that everyone will be able to obtain beautiful, high-quality Jewish calendars at a low cost. In addition, prison inmates can receive a free calendar, However, we request that inmates send 5 stamps (or a money order for $3) for mailing costs. When unfolded, these 13-month calendars measure 11 inches by 18 inches. They are stapled in the middle, no metal spirals. There is a beautiful, full-color photo from Israel for each month. Both the Gregorian and Hebrew dates are shown for each day. The Jewish Holy Days (which are also the Biblical holidays) are all highlighted in color, as is Shabbat (Sabbath). The Parashot (Torah-Haftara) scripture portions for each week are also listed. These calendars also make great gifts. Use the Paypal button below or make checks/money orders out to 'Petah Tikvah.' Cash is also OK! !Petah Tikvah en Español! !Por fin! Ya está a su disposición la revista Petah Tikvah edición especial en español. Esta colaboración contiene 15 estudios bíblicos informativos cuales comparten temas interesantes tocantes la fidelidad de Jesús, Yeshúa en hebreo, y de la importancia de entender Su mensaje dentro del contexto histórico original. Este es un gran recurso que usted puede apoyar para hacer saber el mensaje original del mesías de Israel a sus amistades y familiares quienes desconocen de las raíces hebreas del evangelio. Copias de esta revista en español cuestan $3 singular (costo para prisioneros para esta edición en español son 3 estampillas). Petah Tikvah in Spanish! Finally! Now available to you is a special edition of PT in Spanish. This collaboration contains 15 informative biblical studies that share interesting topics about the faithfulness of Jesus (Yeshua), and of the importance of understanding His message within the original historical context. This is a great resource that you can support to make known the original message of the Messiah of Israel to your family and friends who are unfamiliar with the Hebrew roots of the Gospel. Copies of this magazine in Spanish cost $3. Cost for prisoners is 3 postage stamps. We are extremely grateful to Michael Navarro for translating many articles into Spanish for this special Spanish edition of Petah Tikvah. We have additional articles "en español" on our website: BACK ISSUES OF PETAH TIKVAH You might want to find out what you have been missing, especially if you are a new subscriber! Each year's editions include all 4 Petah Tikvah magazines for that calendar year. Each year's editions cost only $12. Or you can send $45 and get 16 issues (4 years) of Petah Tikvah. Also subscriptions to Petah Tikvah make great gifts for family and friends! THE BOOK OF ACTS A Messianic Jewish Commentary This is a new offering from Petah Tikvah. The Book of Acts is the history of Messianic Judaism prior to the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. It cannot be properly understood outside of its historical Jewish context. This 117-page book contains the series of articles on the Book of Acts that were published in Petah Tikvah from 2008 to 2012. The cost is only $10 each, free shipping and handling, checks made out to Petah Tikvah. Cost for inmates is 8 post-age stamps. THE BOOK OF HEBREWS A Messianic Jewish Commentary This booklet contains the series of articles that were published in Petah Tikvah on the Book of Hebrews in 2005 and 2006. This volume will help the reader better understand the Book of Hebrews in its original Jewish context, as it was understood by its readers in the First Century. Cost is only $5 each, free shipping and handling, checks made out to Petah Tikvah. Cost for in-mates is only 4 postage stamps. Messianic Jewish Commentary on the Book of Matthew By Richard ‘Aharon’ Chaimberlin This is a very comprehensive 160-page commentary on the Book of Matityahu (Matthew). It is the same format that you see in this magazine, so it is very densely packed, but with very readable fonts throughout. Unlike Christian commentaries, this book restores the original Jewish and Hebraic context as Matthew would have been understood by Jewish readers in the First Century CE. Scattered within its pages are some Reverent Twistruth cartoons by Daniel Botkin, as well as some good biblical artwork. It is beautifully bound and printed by Printing Plus. This book will provide you with many hours of enjoyable study into the Scriptures. The cost for this commentary is $12, no extra charge for S&H. The cost for inmates is a money order for $6 or 10 postage stamps. Request this book when you write the check, made out to Petah Tikvah, 165 Doncaster Rd, Rochester NY 14623.
This book (79 pages) is a reprint from a few years ago, with additional chapters not included in the original version. It contains the series of articles that were published in Petah Tikvah on the Book of Revelation in previous years. This volume will help the reader better understand the Book of Revelation in its original Jewish context, as it was understood by its readers in the First Century. Cost is only $8 each, free S&H. (The cost for inmates is 6 forever postage stamps.) JEWISH BASICS MUSIC CDS AND DELUXE LYRIC BOOKLETS Jewish Basicsis the perfect tool for anyone wishing to learn the traditional Jewish liturgy and to practice Hebrew. The lyrics and the familiar melodies from both the Sephardic & Ashkenazic traditions are well suited for study, meditation, and liturgical worship. For any of the above, use the Paypal buttons or make checks/money orders out to ‘Petah Tikvah,’ 165 Doncaster Rd, Rochester NY 14623-1348 You can mail general donations to the address above or using the Paypal button below. |
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